Syntax Parse Examples
1 How to browse the examples
2 How to use the examples in another project
3 Tutorials
4 A syntax-parse Crash Course
5 The Examples
5.1 displaylns
5.2 defines
5.3 let-star
5.4 first-class-or
5.5 optional-assert
exn:  fail:  optional-assert?
5.6 make-variable
5.7 define/  curry
define/  curry
5.8 Cross Macro Communication
5.9 Basic while loop equipped with break
5.10 define-extend
5.11 def
5.12 conditional-require
5.13 multi-check-true
5.14 define-datum-literal-set
5.15 rec/  c
rec/  c
5.16 log-once
5.17 marc-matcher
5.18 struct-list
5.19 syntax-class-contract
5.20 except-in-quiet
5.21 dot-underscore
5.22 Try/  Catch/  Finally Macros
5.22.1 try a try/  catch/  finally for sarna
catch/  match
5.22.2 try another try/  catch/  finally inspired by Gerbil Scheme
5.22.3 try, try-with, try-with*
5.23 Generate Contracts for Keyword Functions
5.24 pyret-for
5.25 Hierarchical parsing of command-line arguments
5.26 flaggable-app
5.27 Java  Script-Inspired Dictionary Syntax
5.28 Functions with Dynamically-Scoped Parameters
define/  freevar
define/  with-freevar
5.29 Function Parameter Syntax Class
5.30 Generate Temporaries On The Fly:   fresh-variable Syntax Class
5.31 define/  with-datum+
define/  with-datum+
6 How to contribute a new example
7 Example-Formatting Tools
tech/  guide
tech/  reference

Syntax Parse Examples🔗ℹ

Source code:

This package is a collection of useful and illustrative macros written using the syntax/parse library.
The Example-Formatting Tools section documents the syntax-parse-example language.

1 How to browse the examples🔗ℹ

Two options:
  • Scroll through this document, read the macros’ source code and look at the example uses of each macro.

  • The source code for each macro is in a top-level folder at For example, the source for a macro named big-mac would be in the folder

2 How to use the examples in another project🔗ℹ

Three options:
  • Copy/paste the example code into a new file in your project, require that new file normally.

  • Install the syntax-parse-example package, then require the macro’s defining module. For example, the defining module for the first-class-or macro is "syntax-parse-example/first-class-or/first-class-or".

  • Clone the source code, then require the module path of the file that defines the macro.

3 Tutorials🔗ℹ

Where to learn about syntax-parse?

The Fear of Macros tutorial is a great resource for basic macro engineering (though, not syntax-parse in particular).

4 A syntax-parse Crash Course🔗ℹ

The syntax-parse form is a tool for unpacking data from a syntax object. It is similar to Racket’s match. Since the input to a macro is always a syntax object, syntax-parse is helpful for writing macros.

A syntax object is a Racket representation of source code. For example, #'(+ 1 2) is a syntax object that represents the sequence of characters (+ 1 2), along with the information that the + identifier is bound to a function in the racket/base library.

A macro is a compile-time function on syntax objects. In other words, a macro: (1) is a function, (2) expects a syntax object as input, (3) returns a new syntax object, and (4) runs at compile-time [Expansion].

Here is a simple macro that expects two arguments and returns its first argument. When the expander finds a macro application (K 1 2), it invokes the macro K with a syntax object #'(K 1 2) representing the whole application [Macro Transformer Procedures].

The name K is historic.

> (require (for-syntax racket/base))
> (define-syntax (K args-stx)
    (define args (syntax-e args-stx)) ; syntax->list works too
    (if (= (length args) 3)
      (cadr args)
        "syntax object containing a list with 3 elements"
> (K 1 2)


> (K 1)

K: contract violation

  expected: syntax object containing a list with 3 elements

  given: #<syntax:eval:4:0 (K 1)>

> (K 1 2 3)

K: contract violation

  expected: syntax object containing a list with 3 elements

  given: #<syntax:eval:5:0 (K 1 2 3)>

Here is the same macro, defined using syntax-parse instead of the low-level syntax-e and cadr functions:

> (require (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse))
> (define-syntax (K args-stx)
    (syntax-parse args-stx
     [(_ ?arg0 ?arg1)
> (K 1 2)


> (K 1)

eval:4:0: K: expected more terms starting with any term

  at: ()

  within: (K 1)

  in: (K 1)

> (K 1 2 3)

eval:5:0: K: unexpected term

  at: 3

  in: (K 1 2 3)

I don’t expect that all this makes sense so far. Try running and modifying these examples. Try reading the documentation for define-syntax and syntax-e and syntax-parse and syntax (aka #').

The last thing to point out is that (_ ?arg0 ?arg1) is a syntax pattern.
  • the parentheses say this pattern matches a (special kind of) list,

  • the underscore (_) means the first element of the list can be anything,

  • the name ?arg0 means the second element of the list can be anything and gets bound to the pattern variable ?arg0,

  • the name ?arg1 binds the third element to another pattern variable,

  • and if the list has more or fewer elements the pattern does not match.

A pattern variable is a special kind of variable; it can only be referenced inside a new syntax object. The name ?arg0 starts with a ? as a style choice — it helps me remember that it is the name of a pattern variable.

5 The Examples🔗ℹ

5.1 displaylns🔗ℹ

Contributed by Lazerbeak12345 (#2) during the 2021 Syntax Parse Bee.


(displayln* expr ...)

This macro is intended to make debugging easier by allowing a programmer to print a batch of values all in one go much like Python’s print.

To change the output port use parameterize.

> (displayln* 1 2 3 4 5 '(this is a list of datums 1 2 3 "hi"))

1 2 3 4 5 (this is a list of datums 1 2 3 hi)

> (parameterize ([current-output-port a-port])
    (displayln* 1 2 '(a b)))

1 2 (a b)

With define-syntax-parse-rule, this macro is a one-liner:

  #lang racket
  (provide displayln*)
  (require syntax/parse/define)
  (define-syntax-parse-rule (displayln* items:expr ...)
    (displayln (string-join (map ~a (list items ...)) " ")))

A function could express the same behavior. Furthermore, using a function instead would help reduce code size — assuming the compiler does not inline every call to displayln*. That said, a macro has two advantages for this debugging tool:
  • You can easily to hide all the debug expressions by changing the macro body to (void).

  • You might extend the macro to compute source locations from its arguments.

5.2 defines🔗ℹ

Contributed by Fictitious-Rotor (#7) during the 2021 Syntax Parse Bee.

 (require syntax-parse-example/defines/defines)
  package: syntax-parse-example


(defines [id-spec expr] ...)

id-spec = id
  | (id ...)
Make a sequence of definitions — similar to let*.

Definitions are automatically dispatched either to define or define-values as appropriate.

> (defines
    [x 4]
    [y 18]
    [(quot rem) (quotient/remainder x y)])
> quot


> rem


The macro uses the ~? fallthrough syntax to choose between define and define-values.

  #lang racket
  (provide defines)
  (require syntax/parse/define)
  (define-syntax-parser defines
    [(_ (~or [id:id expr:expr]
             [(idv:id ...+) expr:expr]) ...+)
         (~? (define id expr)
             (define-values (idv ...) expr)) ...)])

5.3 let-star🔗ℹ

 (require syntax-parse-example/let-star/let-star)
  package: syntax-parse-example


(let-star ((id expr) ...) expr)

Racket’s let binds identifiers simultaneously; Racket’s let* binds identifiers in sequence. For example:

(let* ([a 1]
       [b (+ a 1)])

behaves the same as a nested let:

(let ([a 1])
  (let ([b (+ a 1)])

The let-star macro implements let* in terms of let.

  #lang racket/base
  (provide let-star)
  (require (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse))
  (define-syntax (let-star stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
     [(_ ([x:id v:expr]) body* ...+)
      #'(let ([x v])
          body* ...)]
     [(_ ([x:id v:expr] . bind*) body* ...+)
      #'(let ([x v])
          (let-star bind* body* ...))]
     [(_ bad-binding body* ...+)
      (raise-syntax-error 'let-star
        "not a sequence of identifier--expression pairs" stx #'bad-binding)]
     [(_ (bind*))
      (raise-syntax-error 'let-star
        "missing body" stx)]))

  • The macro is recursive. The use of let-star in the second clause will later expand to a sequence of lets.

  • The pattern ...+ matches one or more of the previous pattern.

> (let-star 1)

eval:1:0: let-star: expected more terms

  at: ()

  within: (let-star 1)

  in: (let-star 1)

> (let-star ([a 1]))

eval:2:0: let-star: missing body

  in: (let-star ((a 1)))

> (let-star ([a 1]
             [b (+ a 1)]
             [c (+ b 1)])


5.4 first-class-or🔗ℹ

 (require syntax-parse-example/first-class-or/first-class-or)
  package: syntax-parse-example


(first-class-or expr ...)

Racket’s or is a macro, not a function. It cannot be used like a normal value (i.e., evaluated as an identifier).

> (or #false #true)


> (apply or '(#false #true 0))

eval:2:0: or: bad syntax

  in: or

Identifier macros can be evaluated as identifiers.

So we can write a first-class-or macro to:
  • expand like Racket’s or when called like a function, and

  • expand to a function definition when used like an identifier.

In the latter case, the function that first-class-or evaluates to is similar to or, but evaluates all its arguments.

> (first-class-or #false #true)


> (apply first-class-or '(#false #true 0))


> (first-class-or (+ 2 3) (let loop () (loop)))


> (map first-class-or '(9 #false 3) '(8 #false #false))

'(9 #f 3)


  #lang racket/base
  (provide first-class-or)
  (require (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse))
  (define-syntax (first-class-or stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
     [(_ ?a . ?b)
      #'(let ([a-val ?a])
          (if a-val a-val (first-class-or . ?b)))]
      #'(lambda arg*
          (let loop ([arg* arg*])
             [(null? arg*)
             [(car arg*)
              (car arg*)]
              (loop (cdr arg*))])))]))

Some comments:
  • The first two syntax/parse clauses define what happens when or is called like a function.

  • The pattern _:id matches any identifier.

  • The dot notation in (_ ?a . ?b) could be (_ ?a ?b ...) instead. See Pairs, Lists, and Racket Syntax for intuition about what the dot means, and Syntax Patterns for what it means in a syntax pattern.

5.5 optional-assert🔗ℹ

 (require syntax-parse-example/optional-assert/optional-assert)
  package: syntax-parse-example


(optional-assert expr ...)

The optional-assert form expands to either:
  • a test that evaluates an expression and halts the program if the result is #f,

  • or nothing

depending on the compile-time value of the environment variable DISABLE_OPTIONAL_ASSERT.

  #lang racket/base
  (provide optional-assert exn:fail:optional-assert?)
  (require (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse))
  (define-for-syntax no-asserts? (getenv "DISABLE_OPTIONAL_ASSERT"))
  (struct exn:fail:optional-assert exn:fail ())
  (define (make-exn:fail:optional-assert datum)
    (exn:fail:optional-assert (format "assertion failure: ~a" datum)
  (define-syntax (optional-assert stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
     [(_ e:expr)
      (if no-asserts?
        #'(unless e
            (raise (make-exn:fail:optional-assert 'e))))]))


(exn:fail:optional-assert? x)  boolean?

  x : any/c
Predicate for an assertion failure.

5.6 make-variable🔗ℹ

Contributed by xgqt (#8) during the 2021 Syntax Parse Bee.

Adapted from the racket-ebuild project.

 (require syntax-parse-example/make-variable/make-variable)
  package: syntax-parse-example


(make-variable v)

Formats a variable declaration for POSIX shell scripts.
  • When given a string or symbol, the input is the name and value of the new variable.

  • When given an identifier, the identifier name is the variable name and the identifier value is the variable’s value.

> (make-variable "this_variable_will_probably_change")


> (define Z "Zzz...")
> (make-variable Z)


The macro uses syntax-parse to decide how to process its input. It then outputs code that calls the as-variable helper function.

  #lang racket/base
  (provide make-variable as-variable)
  (require (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse))
  (define (as-variable lhs rhs)
    (format "~a=\"~a\"" lhs rhs))
  (define-syntax (make-variable stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
      [(_ name:id)
       #'(as-variable (symbol->string 'name) name)]
      [(_ str:string)
       #'(as-variable str str)]
      [(_ ((~literal quote) sym))
       #'(as-variable (symbol->string 'sym) 'sym)]))


(as-variable lhs rhs)  string?

  lhs : any/c
  rhs : any/c
Formats two values into a POSIX variable declaration.

5.7 define/curry🔗ℹ

Contributed by agj (#5) during the 2021 Syntax Parse Bee.

 (require syntax-parse-example/define-curry/define-curry)
  package: syntax-parse-example


(define/curry (fn-id arg-id ...+) body ...+)

Defines an automatically currying procedure.

> (define/curry (insert-between mid left right)
    (string-join (list left mid right) ""))
> (define dash-between (insert-between "-"))
> (dash-between "left" "right")


The macro uses syntax/loc to give newly-defined functions names that point to their definition rather than to the macro body.

  #lang racket
  (provide define/curry)
  (require (for-syntax syntax/parse))
    (define-syntax-class name-params
      #:description "name and parameters clause"
      (pattern (name:id params:id ...+)
               #:fail-when (check-duplicate-identifier
                            (syntax->list #'(params ...)))
               "duplicate parameter name")))
  (define-syntax (define/curry stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
      [(_ np:name-params body ...+)
             #,(syntax/loc stx
                 (λ (np.params ...) body ...))))]))

5.8 Cross Macro Communication🔗ℹ

 (require syntax-parse-example/cross-macro-communication/cross-macro-communication)
  package: syntax-parse-example


(define-for-macros id expr)


(get-macroed id)

The define-for-macros and get-macroed forms use syntax-local-value to communicate information across macros. Anything defined with define-for-macros can be accessed (at macro expansion time) by get-macroed.

> (define-for-macros cake 42)
> (get-macroed cake)


> cake

eval:3:0: cake: illegal use of syntax

  in: cake

  value at phase 1: 42

This communication works even if the identifiers are defined and used in different files or modules:

> (module the-definition racket
    (require syntax-parse-example/cross-macro-communication/cross-macro-communication)
    (define-for-macros shake 54)
    (provide shake))
> (require 'the-definition
> (get-macroed shake)



  #lang racket/base
  (provide define-for-macros get-macroed)
  (require (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse))
  (define-syntax (define-for-macros stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
      [(_ name:id expr)
       #'(define-syntax name expr)]))
  (define-syntax (get-macroed stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
      [(_ name:id)
       #`(#%datum . #,(syntax-local-value #'name))]))

define-for-macros simply binds a new value at compile time using define-syntax. In this example define-for-macros is mostly synonymous with define-syntax, but it demonstrates that the name could be changed (to say add a question mark at the end), and the given expression can be changed. The get-macroed form simply takes the compile time value and puts it in the run time module. If name is used outside of a macro then a syntax error is raised.

The point of #%datum is to make it seem like a value was part of the source code. See Expansion Steps for details.

5.9 Basic while loop equipped with break🔗ℹ

Contributed by countvajhula (#20) during the 2021 Syntax Parse Bee.

 (require syntax-parse-example/while-break/while-break)
  package: syntax-parse-example


(while test body ...+)

> (define x 5)
> (while (> x 0)
    (displayln x)
    (set! x (sub1 x)))






> (set! x 5)
> (while #t
    (displayln x)
    (set! x (sub1 x))
    (unless (> x 0)






A simple while loop familiar from many programming languages, this macro works by using a named let to provide the looping, and an escape continuation to provide the ability to break out of the loop.

In typical implementations, break is a statement that allows you to leave the while loop at any time, but it is also a special kind of statement in that you can only use it within the body of the while loop. To ensure this behavior, the macro defines break as a syntax parameter, which in a nutshell is a way to define syntax with default behavior outside the macro body (in our case, simply reporting a syntax error) and special behavior within the macro body. This parameter is then used as a label for the continuation so that it may be used to exit the loop.


(break value ...)

This is an alias for the continuation recorded at the start of the loop. Invoking it calls the continuation with the provided value (if any) which becomes the value of the entire while expression. It may only appear within a while form, and is a syntax error outside of one.

  #lang racket/base
  (provide while break)
  (require syntax/parse/define racket/stxparam (for-syntax racket/base))
  (define-syntax-parameter break
    (lambda (stx)
      (raise-syntax-error (syntax-e stx) "can only be used inside `while`")))
  (define-syntax-parse-rule (while condition body ...)
     (λ (return)
       (syntax-parameterize ([break (make-rename-transformer #'return)])
         (let loop ()
           (when condition
             (begin body ...

In Racket, most expressions evaluate to a specific value (or many values), reflecting the functional style of programming which discourages side effects such as mutating the value of a variable. A while loop inherently encourages side effects since it typically has no return value (and of course, must mutate a variable if the loop is to terminate!). Yet, in the present implementation, the while expression can evaluate to a specific value when one is explicitly returned via break. Could the implementation be modified to return a value even in the case of a normal exit? For instance, we could have it return the value of the final expression executed in the course of looping. As an exercise, see if you can make the while loop a little more "functional" by allowing it to always return a value.

5.10 define-extend🔗ℹ

Contributed by camoy (#13) during the 2021 Syntax Parse Bee.

Suppose we’re writing interpreters interp0 and interp1 for languages L0 and L1 respectively. L0 has numbers and binary addition, and L1 extends L0 with binary multiplication. Goal: Write interp1 without copying all the cases from interp0.

Basic Solution

One solution is to write the interpreters in open-recursive style. Instead of recurring directly, recursive calls occur indirectly through an extra parameter. An interpreter can be invoked by closing the recursion using a fixed-point combinator.

(define fix
  (λ (f)
    ((λ (x) (f (λ (g) ((x x) g))))
     (λ (x) (f (λ (g) ((x x) g)))))))
(define ((interp0 recur) e)
  (match e
    [`(+ ,x ,y) (+ (recur x) (recur y))]
    [(? number?) e]))
((fix interp0) '(+ (+ 1 2) (+ 5 6)))
(define ((interp1 recur) e)
  (match e
    [`(* ,x ,y) (* (recur x) (recur y))]
    [_ ((interp0 recur) e)]))
((fix interp1) '(+ (+ 1 2) (* 5 6)))

We can do better.

 (require syntax-parse-example/define-extend/define-extend)
  package: syntax-parse-example


(define-extend (name . formals) maybe-extend body ...+)

maybe-extend = 
  | (#:extend parent-id)
The define-extend macro allows you to write extensible procedures in a more natural style.

> (define-extend (interp0 e)
    (match e
      [`(+ ,x ,y) (+ (interp0 x) (interp0 y))]
      [(? number?) e]))
> (interp0 '(+ (+ 1 2) (+ 5 6)))


> (define-extend (interp1 e)
    #:extend interp0
    (match e
      [`(* ,x ,y) (* (interp1 x) (interp1 y))]
      [_ (interp0 e)]))
> (interp1 '(+ (+ 1 2) (* 5 6)))


This macro supports some static checking. If the procedure we’re extending wasn’t defined using define-extend, then we get a compile-time error.

> (define-extend (interp1 e)
    #:extend map

eval:5:0: define-extend: expected an extensible procedure

  at: map

  in: (define-extend (interp1 e) #:extend map (quote


  parsing context:

   while parsing extend-option

    term: (#:extend map (quote not-implemented))

    location: eval:5:0


  #lang racket/base
  (provide define-extend)
  (require (for-syntax racket/base
    (struct extensible (closed-id open-id)
      #:property prop:rename-transformer 0)
    (define-splicing-syntax-class extend-option
      #:attributes (parent-id open-id)
      (pattern (~seq #:extend parent-id:id)
               #:do [(define-values (parent-ext _)
                       (syntax-local-value/immediate #'parent-id
                                                     (λ () (values #f #f))))]
               #:fail-when (and (not (extensible? parent-ext)) #'parent-id)
               "expected an extensible procedure"
               #:attr open-id (extensible-open-id parent-ext))
      (pattern (~seq)
               #:attr parent-id #f
               #:attr open-id #f)))
  (define-syntax (define-extend stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
      [(_ (?name:id . ?fmls:formals) ?ext:extend-option ?body:expr ...+)
       #:with (?closed ?open) (generate-temporaries #'(?name ?name))
       #:with ?proc
       (syntax/loc stx
         (~? (λ ?fmls
               (let ([?ext.parent-id (? ?name)])
                 ?body ...))
             (λ ?fmls ?body ...)))
           (define ?closed
             (letrec ([?name ?proc])
           (define (?open ?name) ?proc)
           (define-syntax ?name
             (extensible #'?closed #'?open)))]))

For a valid input, define-extend generates two variants of the procedure: a closed version and an open version. It then creates a transformer binding that records the name of both these variants in an extensible struct. This struct has prop:rename-transformer so that calling the procedure defaults to the closed variant.

When defining an extension of procedure f, we make sure to shadow the binding of f within the body of the extension so as to close it off appropriately. We use the extensible struct (found by syntax-local-value/immediate) to get the identifier of the open version of f.

5.11 def🔗ℹ

 (require syntax-parse-example/def/def)
  package: syntax-parse-example

The def macro is similar to define but:
  • requires a docstring

  • requires test cases;

  • optionally accepts contract annotations on its arguments; and

  • optionally accepts pre- and post- conditions.


(def (id argspec ...)
  optional-pre-post ...
  body ...+)
argspec = arg-id
  | (arg-id : contract?)
testcases = #:tests [test ...]
test = (boolean-expr ==> result-expr)
optional-pre-post = #:pre [(pre-comparison-fn failure-doc) ...]
  | #:post [(post-comparison-fn failure-doc) ...]
  arg-id : symbol?
  pre-comparison-fn : (-> any/c ... boolean?)
  post-comparison-fn : (-> any/c boolean?)
  failure-doc : string?
  doc-string : string?
The pre-comparison-fn is applied to the list of function arguments and should return true if the preconditions are satisfied. The post-comparison-fn is applied to the result to verify the post-conditions.

The expansion of def must occur inside a module (rather than a REPL) because it adds (module+ test) for the #:test code. Ordinarily def will be used inside a file, so it will automatically be inside a module.

> (module snoc racket/base
    (require syntax-parse-example/def/def)
    (def (snoc (x* : list?) x)
      "Append the value `x` to the end of the given list"
      #:test [
        ((snoc '(1 2) 3) ==> '(1 2 3))
        ((snoc '(a b) '(c)) ==> '(a b (c)))]
      (append x* (list x)))
    (provide snoc))
> (require 'snoc)
> (snoc 1 '(2 3))

snoc: contract violation

  expected: list?

  given: 1

> (snoc '(1 2) 3)

'(1 2 3)

> (module gcd racket/base
    (require syntax-parse-example/def/def)
    (def (gcd (x : integer?) (y : integer?))
      "greatest common divisor"
      #:pre [
        (>= "First argument must be greater-or-equal than second")]
      #:test [
        ((gcd 10 3) ==> 1)
        ((gcd 12 3) ==> 3)]
       [(zero? y) x]
       [else (gcd y (- x (* y (quotient x y))))]))
     (provide gcd))
> (require 'gcd)
> (gcd 42 777)

gcd: First argument must be greater-or-equal than second

> (gcd 777 42)


If the docstring or test cases are missing, def throws a syntax error.

> (def (f x)

eval:9:0: def: expected string or expected one of these

literals: #:test, #:pre, or #:post

  at: x

  in: (def (f x) x)

> (def (f x)

eval:10:0: def: expected string or expected one of these

literals: #:test, #:pre, or #:post

  at: x

  in: (def (f x) "identity" x)

> (def (f x)
    #:test [((f 1) ==> 1)]

eval:11:0: def: expected string or expected one of these

literals: #:test, #:pre, or #:post

  at: x

  in: (def (f x) #:test (((f 1) ==> 1)) x)

How to read the macro:
  1. The begin-for-syntax defines two syntax classes (see Syntax Classes). The first syntax class, arg-spec, captures arguments with an optional contract annotation. The second, doc-spec, captures docstrings.

  2. The large ~or pattern captures the required-and-optional stuff that def accepts: the docstring, the #:test test cases, the #:pre pre-conditions, and the #:post post-conditions.

  3. The four #:with clauses build syntax objects that run unit tests and/or checks.

  4. The syntax object made from the #:test clause creates a post-submodule (module+ test ....) and uses parameterize to capture everything that the tests print to current-output-port.

  5. The examples in the docs for the ~optional pattern help explain (1) why #'#f can be a useful #:default and (2) when it is necessary to specify the ellipses depth in a #:default, as in (check-pre* 1).

  #lang racket/base
  (provide def)
  (require rackunit (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse))
    (define-syntax-class arg-spec
      #:attributes (name type)
      #:datum-literals (:)
        (name:id : type:expr))
       #:with type #'#f))
    (define-syntax-class doc-spec
  (define-syntax (def stx)
    (syntax-parse stx #:datum-literals (==>)
     [(_ (name:id arg*:arg-spec ...)
        (~or ;; using (~or (~once a) ...) to simulate an unordered (~seq a ...)
          (~once (~describe #:role "docstring" "docstring" doc:doc-spec))
          (~once (~seq #:test ((in* ==> out*
                               (~optional (~seq #:stdout expected-output*:str)
                                          #:defaults ([expected-output* #'#f])))
          (~once (~optional (~seq #:pre ([check-pre* pre-doc*:doc-spec] ...))
                            #:defaults ([(check-pre* 1) '()] [(pre-doc* 1) '()])))
          (~once (~optional (~seq #:post ([check-post* post-doc*:doc-spec] ...))
                            #:defaults ([(check-post* 1) '()] [(post-doc* 1) '()])))) ...
      #:with check-types
        #'(for ([arg-name (in-list (list arg*.name ...))]
                [arg-type (in-list (list arg*.type ...))]
                [i        (in-naturals)]
                #:when arg-type)
            (unless (arg-type arg-name)
              (raise-argument-error 'name (symbol->string (object-name arg-type)) i arg-name)))
      #:with check-pre
        #'(for ([pre-check (in-list (list check-pre* ...))]
                [pre-doc   (in-list (list pre-doc* ...))])
            (unless (pre-check arg*.name ...)
              (raise-user-error 'name pre-doc)))
      #:with check-post
        #'(lambda (result)
            (for ([post-check (in-list (list check-post* ...))]
                  [post-doc   (in-list (list post-doc* ...))])
              (unless (post-check result)
                (error 'name post-doc))))
      #:with test-cases
        #'(module+ test
            (let* ([p (open-output-string)]
                   [result-val (parameterize ([current-output-port p]) in*)]
                   [result-str (begin0 (get-output-string p)
                                       (close-output-port p))])
                (check-equal? result-val out*)
                (when expected-output*
                  (check-equal? result-str expected-output*)))
          (define (name arg*.name ...)
            (let ([result body])
              (begin0 result
                      (check-post result)))))]))

  • This macro gives poor error messages when the docstring or test cases are missing.

  • The doc-spec syntax class could be extended to accept Scribble, or another kind of docstring syntax.

  • A #:test case may optionally use the #:stdout keyword. If given, the test will fail unless running the test prints the same string to current-output-port.

5.12 conditional-require🔗ℹ

 (require syntax-parse-example/conditional-require/conditional-require)
  package: syntax-parse-example


(conditional-require expr id id)

This macro conditionally requires one of two module paths based on a compile-time condition.

  #lang racket/base
  (provide conditional-require)
  (require (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse))
    (define-syntax-class mod-name
      (pattern _:id)
      (pattern _:str)))
  (define-syntax (conditional-require stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
     [(_ test:boolean r1:mod-name r2:mod-name)
      (if (syntax-e #'test)
        #'(require r1)
        #'(require r2))]))


5.13 multi-check-true🔗ℹ

 (require syntax-parse-example/multi-check-true/multi-check-true)
  package: syntax-parse-example


(multi-check-true expr ...)

The multi-check-true expands into a sequence of check-true unit tests. For example:

  (even? 0))

expands to code that behaves the same as:

(check-true #true)
(check-true #false)
(check-true (even? 0))

The main difference between the macro and the example is that the macro uses with-check-info* to improve test failure messages. If part of a multi-check-true fails, the error message points to the bad expression (rather than the multi-check-true macro).

  #lang racket/base
  (provide multi-check-true)
  (require rackunit (for-syntax racket/base syntax/srcloc syntax/parse))
  (define-syntax (multi-check-true stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
     [(_ e* ...)
          #,@(for/list ([e (in-list (syntax-e #'(e* ...)))])
               (define loc (build-source-location-list e))
               #`(with-check-info* (list (make-check-location '#,loc))
                   (λ () (check-true #,e)))))]))

5.14 define-datum-literal-set🔗ℹ

 (require syntax-parse-example/define-datum-literal-set/define-datum-literal-set)
  package: syntax-parse-example


(define-datum-literal-set id (id ...))

syntax-parse can match literal symbols using the #:datum-literals option or the ~datum pattern form. These work well for a small number of literals.

Given a sequence of symbols, the define-datum-literal-set macro builds a syntax class that matches these symbols.

(define-datum-literal-set C-keyword
  (auto break case char const continue default do double else))
(define-syntax (is-C-keyword? stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
   [(_ x:C-keyword)
   [(_ x)
(is-C-keyword? else)
(is-C-keyword? synchronized)

The macro works by defining a literal set and then a syntax class.

  #lang racket/base
  (provide define-datum-literal-set)
  (require (for-syntax racket/base racket/syntax syntax/parse))
  (define-syntax (define-datum-literal-set stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
     [(_ cls-name:id (lit*:id ...))
      #:with set-name (format-id stx "~a-set" (syntax-e #'cls-name))
        (define-literal-set set-name
          #:datum-literals (lit* ...)
        (define-syntax-class cls-name
          #:literal-sets ([set-name])
          (pattern (~or lit* ...)))) ]))

5.15 rec/c🔗ℹ

 (require syntax-parse-example/rec-contract/rec-contract)
  package: syntax-parse-example


(rec/c id expr)

The rec/c macro uses Racket’s recursive-contract form to create anonymous recursive contracts.

  #lang racket/base
  (provide rec/c)
  (require racket/contract (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse))
  (define-syntax-rule (rec/c t ctc)
    (letrec ([rec-ctc
              (let-syntax ([t (syntax-parser (_:id #'(recursive-contract rec-ctc)))])

> (define/contract (deep n)
    (-> integer? (rec/c t (or/c integer? (list/c t))))
    (if (zero? n)
      (list (deep (- n 1)))))
> (deep 4)


5.16 log-once🔗ℹ

Contributed by Fictitious-Rotor (#3) during the 2021 Syntax Parse Bee.


(log-once [#:skip-count skip    
  #:log-count log-count    
  #:when cond    
  #:message msg    
  #:newline newline?]    
  expr ...)  void?
  skip : natural? = 0
  log-count : natural? = 1
  cond : any/c = (void)
  msg : string? = ""
  newline? : boolean? = #f
  expr : any/c
The purpose of this macro is to print a sample of values within tight loops—rather than inundate the console with thousands of lines of irrelevant data. It achieves this purpose by providing a variety of tools that can be used to constrain what is logged down to what actually interests the observer.

> (for ([char (in-string "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")])
    (log-once #:skip-count 18
              #:log-count 3

char = #\s.

char = #\t.

char = #\u.

> (for ([char (in-string "abcdefGhijkLmnopQrstuVwxyz")])
    (log-once #:skip-count 2
              #:when (char-upper-case? char)

char = #\Q.

The macro replaces patterns of code that would look something like this:

; You have to define the variables somewhere where they won't
;  fall out of scope so that the mutations matter
; You also have to be wary of leaving any of this code lying
;  around once you're finished with debugging
(define is-logged #f)
(define skip-count 0)
(for ([char (in-string "abcdefGhijkLmnopQrstuVwxyz")])
  (when (and (not is-logged)
             (char-upper-case? char)
               (set! skip-count (add1 skip-count))
               (> skip-count 2)))
    (printf "char = ~s\n" char)
    (set! is-logged #t)))

The set of macros have gone through many revisions (link). This iteration makes use of ~?, ~@, syntax-local-lift-expression, and the excellent ....

  #lang racket/base
  (require racket/function
           (for-syntax racket/base
  (provide log-once)
  (define log-var (curry printf "~a = ~s. "))
  (define-syntax-parser log-def
    [(_ expr:expr)
     #`(log-var #,(~s (syntax->datum #'expr)) expr)])
    (define (make-incrementor id)
      (with-syntax ([id id])
        #'(λ ()
            (set! id (add1 id))
  (define-syntax-parser log-defs
    [(_ (~optional (~seq #:newline use-newline-stx:boolean))
        exprs*:expr ...+)
     #:attr use-newline (syntax-e #'(~? use-newline-stx #f))
     #:attr intermediate-newline-clause (if (attribute use-newline) #'(newline) #f)
     #:attr ultimate-newline-clause (if (attribute use-newline) #f #'(newline))
         (~@ (log-def exprs*)
             (~? intermediate-newline-clause)) ...
         (~? ultimate-newline-clause))])
  (define-syntax-parser log-once 
    [(_ (~alt (~optional (~seq #:skip-count target-skip-count:nat) #:name "#:skip-count keyword"
                         #:defaults ([target-skip-count #'0]))
              (~optional (~seq #:log-count target-log-count:nat) #:name "#:log-count keyword"
                         #:defaults ([target-log-count #'1]))
              (~optional (~seq #:when condition:expr) #:name "#:when keyword")
              (~optional (~seq #:message message:str) #:name "#:message keyword")
              (~optional (~seq #:newline newln:boolean) #:name "#:newln keyword")) ...
        exprs* ...+)
     #:with logged (syntax-local-lift-expression #'#f)
     #:with run-count (syntax-local-lift-expression #'0)
     #:with ++run-count (make-incrementor #'run-count)
     #:with log-count (syntax-local-lift-expression #'0)
     #:with ++log-count (make-incrementor #'log-count)
     #:with should-run?! (syntax-local-lift-expression
                          #'(λ ()
                              (and (> (++run-count) target-skip-count)
                                   (<= (++log-count) target-log-count))))
     #:with stop-logging?! (syntax-local-lift-expression
                            #'(λ ()
                                (when (<= target-log-count log-count)
                                  (set! logged #t))))
     #'(and (not logged)
            (when (and (~? condition)
              (~? (display message))
              (log-defs (~? (~@ #:newline newln)) exprs* ...)

5.17 marc-matcher🔗ℹ

Contributed by hzafar (#4) during the 2021 Syntax Parse Bee.

 (require syntax-parse-example/marc-matcher/marc-matcher)
  package: syntax-parse-example

This is a very domain-specific macro, developed for a particular bibliographic metadata use-case.


(marc-matcher ([re #:as name] ...) body ...)

This macro aims to make it easier to do regex-like matching over a structured bibliographic data format known as MARC 21. MARC records contain a sequence of fields whose data are string values that look like this:

$aCarroll, Lewis,$d1832-1898,$eauthor.

In each field, individual subfields are separated using a separator character (in this case $); the character immediately following the separator is called the subtag; and the substring up to the next separator or end-of-string is the subfield data. So in the example above, there are three subfields, $a, $d, and $e, whose data are, respectively, Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898, and author.

Parsing subfields out of this is often done using regular expressions, but it gets really difficult when trying to deal with subfield repetitions. I’ll use field 264 to illustrate. This field mainly contains the following pieces of publication information: the $a subfield contains place of publication; the $b subfield contains the entity responsible for publication; and the $c subfield contains the date of publication. There are several possible repetition patterns for these subfields which require different semantic interpretations. To give a few examples:

Writing a regex to intelligently parse this information out of the string is a pain, but regexes are an already popular and well understood tool in the metadata community. Thus, marc-matcher lets users specify regular expressions that match subgroups within the field they want to parse, and define variables they can use in their code containing the results of those matches, which allows more complex kinds of processing to be done with simpler code.

> (define parse-264
    (marc-matcher ([#px"ab" #:as place-entity-groups]
                   [#px"c" #:as date])
                  (for/list ([group place-entity-groups])
                    (cons (marc-subfield-data date) (map marc-subfield-data group)))))
> (parse-264 "$aBoston :$bLee and Shepard, publishers ;$aNew York :$bLee, Shepard, and Dillingham,$c1872.")

'(("1872." "Boston :" "Lee and Shepard, publishers ;")

  ("1872." "New York :" "Lee, Shepard, and Dillingham,"))

The first clause of the marc-matcher expression is a list of variable definitions, similar to a parameter list for a lambda. For example, the clause [#px"ab" :as place-entity-groups] defines a variable called place-entity-groups, which will be a list of all the groups (which are themselves lists of structs) consisting of a single subfield $a followed by a single subfield $b. The second clause is the computation the user wishes to do with the values extracted from the field, and can refer to the variables defined in the first clause.

Here is another example, using table of contents data [source].

> (define matcher
    (marc-matcher ([#px"tr?" #:as title-info-groups])
      (for ([group title-info-groups])
        (define title (first (map marc-subfield-data
                                  (filter (λ (sf) (equal? "t" (marc-subfield-subtag sf))) group))))
        (define authors (map marc-subfield-data
                             (filter (λ (sf) (equal? "r" (marc-subfield-subtag sf))) group)))
        (printf "Title: ~a~a~n~n"
                (string-trim title #px"( /\\s*)|( --\\s*)|\\.")
                (if (empty? authors)
                    (string-append "\nAuthor: "
                      (string-trim (first authors) #px"( /\\s*)|( --\\s*)|\\.")))))))
> (matcher
    (string-join '("$tCaveat Lector; or how I ransacked Wikipedias across the Multiverse soley "
                   "to amuse and edify readers -- $tMystery of the missing mothers / $rKristin King -- "
                   "$tSecrets of Flatland / $rAnne Toole -- $tSanyo TM-300 Home-Use Time Machine / "
                   "$rJeremy Sim -- $tElizabeth Burgoyne Corbett / $rL. Timmel Duchamp -- "

Title: Caveat Lector; or how I ransacked Wikipedias across the Multiverse soley to amuse and edify readers

Title: Mystery of the missing mothers

Author: Kristin King

Title: Secrets of Flatland

Author: Anne Toole

Title: Sanyo TM-300 Home-Use Time Machine

Author: Jeremy Sim

Title: Elizabeth Burgoyne Corbett

Author: L. Timmel Duchamp

Title: Biographies

The macro definition parses the clauses for parameters and regexps, and then generates calls to run-time helper functions.

  #lang racket
  (provide marc-matcher (struct-out marc-subfield))
  (require syntax/parse/define
           (for-syntax syntax-parse-example/marc-matcher/marc-matcher-syntax-classes))
  (define-syntax (marc-matcher stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
      [(_ (var:marc-var-defn ...) body:expr ...)
       (define params #'( ...))
       (define regexps #'( ...))
       #`(λ (input [sep "$"])
           (define args (get-subfield-data '#,regexps input sep))
           (apply (λ #,params (begin body ...)) (map simplify-groups args)))]))


(struct marc-subfield (subtag data)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-marc-subfield
  subtag : any/c
  data : any/c

5.18 struct-list🔗ℹ

 (require syntax-parse-example/struct-list/struct-list)
  package: syntax-parse-example


(struct-list expr ...)

The struct-list macro has similar syntax as Typed Racket’s struct form, but creates a new datatype backed by a list instead of an actual struct. The #:type-name keyword is required and must supply a name that is different from the struct name.

> (struct-list foo ([a : String] [b : String]) #:type-name Foo)
> (define f (foo "hello" "world"))
> (foo? f)

- : Boolean


> (string-append (foo-a f) " " (foo-b f))

- : String

"hello world"

> (ann f Foo)

- : Foo

'(foo "hello" "world")

The implementation:
  1. extracts the names and type names from the syntax,

  2. creates an identifier for the predicate and a sequence of identifiers for the accessors (see the #:with clauses),

  3. and defines a constructor and predicate and accessor(s).

  #lang typed/racket/base
  (provide struct-list)
  (require (for-syntax racket/base racket/syntax syntax/parse))
  (define-syntax (struct-list stx)
    (syntax-parse stx #:datum-literals (:)
     [(_ name:id ([f*:id : t*] ...) #:type-name Name:id)
      #:fail-when (free-identifier=? #'name #'Name)
                  "struct name and #:type-name must be different"
      #:with name?
             (format-id stx "~a?" (syntax-e #'name))
      #:with ((name-f* i*) ...)
             (for/list ([f (in-list (syntax-e #'(f* ...)))]
                        [i (in-naturals 1)])
               (list (format-id stx "~a-~a" (syntax-e #'name) (syntax-e f)) i))
      (syntax/loc stx
          (define-type Name (Pairof 'name (Listof Any)))
          (define (name (f* : t*) ...) : Name
            (list 'name f* ...))
          (define (name? (v : Any)) : Boolean
            (and (list? v) (not (null? v)) (eq? 'name (car v))))
          (define (name-f* (p : Name)) : t*
            (cast (list-ref p 'i*) t*))

5.19 syntax-class-contract🔗ℹ

 (require syntax-parse-example/syntax-class-contract/syntax-class-contract)
  package: syntax-parse-example

The syntax-class-contract function is one way to put a contract on a macro. If you give it a syntax class value, it returns a contract that accepts a syntax object #'(A B) where A is anything and B matches the syntax class. The contract can be attached to a normal macro through the contract form.

> (define-syntax add-hello
      (-> (syntax-class-contract (reify-syntax-class str))
      (lambda (stx)
        (let ([orig-str (syntax-e (cadr (syntax-e stx)))])
          (with-syntax ([new-str (string-append "hello" " " orig-str)])
> (add-hello "world")

"hello world"

> (add-hello 'not-string)

add-hello: contract violation

  expected: (syntax-parse-arg/c

#(struct:reified-syntax-class -string ...))

  given: #<syntax:eval:3:0 (add-hello (quote not-string))>

  in: the 1st argument of







  contract from: this-macro

  blaming: the-macro-user

   (assuming the contract is correct)


  #lang racket/base
  (provide syntax-class-contract)
  (require racket/contract
  (define (syntax-class-contract cls)
    (flat-named-contract `(syntax-parse-arg/c ,cls)
        [(_ (~reflect arg (cls))) #true]
        [_ #false])))

Special thanks to Michael Ballantyne for developing this macro tool.

Challenge: try making a kind of contract-out that can attach contracts to macros.

5.20 except-in-quiet🔗ℹ

 (require syntax-parse-example/except-in-quiet/except-in-quiet)
  package: syntax-parse-example

Thanks to Leif Andersen for the original macro.

Racket’s except-in form subtracts a sequence of identifiers from a source. If the source does not provide one of the named identifiers, then except-in raises a syntax error.

> (require (except-in racket/list second))
> (first '(1 2 3))


> (second '(1 2 3))

second: undefined;

 cannot reference an identifier before its definition

  in module: top-level

> (require (except-in racket/list snd))

eval:4:0: except-in: identifier `snd' not included in nested

require spec

  at: racket/list

  in: (except-in racket/list snd)


(except-in-quiet expr ...)

Similar to except-in but does not raise an error when asked to subtract a missing identifier.

> (require (except-in-quiet racket/list second))
> (first '(1 2 3))


> (second '(1 2 3))

second: undefined;

 cannot reference an identifier before its definition

  in module: top-level

> (require (except-in-quiet racket/list snd))

The macro (or rather, require transformer) should work in four steps:

  1. resolve the required expression to a module,

  2. find all exports from that module,

  3. subtract names from the export list, and

  4. proceed with a call to expand-import.

Steps 2 through 4 are implemented fairly well below. Step 1, however, is done in a very simple way. It works for basic paths like racket/base but nothing more complicated.

  #lang racket/base
  (provide except-in-quiet)
  (define-for-syntax (export-list->phase0-ids phase-dict)
    (define phase0-id-info*
        (or (assoc 0 phase-dict)
            (cons #f '()))))
    (map car phase0-id-info*))
  (define-syntax except-in-quiet
        [(_ modname:id exception-names:id ...)
         (define-values [provided-vals provided-macros]
           (module->exports (syntax-e #'modname)))
         (define exceptions
           (map syntax-e (attribute exception-names)))
         (define excluded
               (export-list->phase0-ids provided-vals)
               (export-list->phase0-ids provided-macros))))
         (expand-import #`(except-in modname #,@excluded))])))

5.21 dot-underscore🔗ℹ

Contributed by soegaard (#15) during the 2021 Syntax Parse Bee.

 (require syntax-parse-example/dot-underscore/dot-underscore)
  package: syntax-parse-example

The dot-underscore example shows how to:
  • implement dot notation for object field access using a custom #%top

  • implement method invocation without explicit send using a custom #%app

See the source file dot-underscore.rkt for explanation.

There are examples in test-dot-underscore.rkt.

5.22 Try/Catch/Finally Macros🔗ℹ

try/catch/finally is a common and familiar syntax for handling exceptions, used in many languages such as Java, C++ and Clojure. Errors thrown within the try block may be "caught" by the catch clauses. In any case, whether by normal return or exception, the finally clause is executed.

5.22.1 try a try/catch/finally for sarna🔗ℹ

Contributed by benknoble (#9) during the 2021 Syntax Parse Bee.

Adapted from the try-make-sarna-happy package.


(try body-expr ...+ maybe-catch maybe-catch/match maybe-finally)

maybe-catch = 
  | (catch [pred-expr exn-id handler-expr ...+] ...)
  | (catch/match [match-expr handler-expr ...+] ...)
maybe-finally = 
  | (finally finally-expr ...+)
Tries body-exprs in order, returning the value of the last. If an exception is raised, it may be handled by one of the catch clauses, whose value becomes the value of the overall form. The optional finally clause is always run.

The catch clauses use with-handlers, but in a different format: when pred-expr returns true for a thrown exception, exn-id is bound to the exception for the body handler-expr.

The catch/match clauses are match forms tested against the exception.

When both catch-style and catch/match-style clauses are present, all of the catch-style clauses are tried before any of the catch/match clauses.

> (try
    (/ 10 0)
    (catch [exn:fail? e (exn-message e)]))

"/: division by zero"

> (let ([resource (open-input-string "")])
      (write-bytes #"Hi" resource)
      (catch [exn? e (displayln (exn-message e))])
        (close-input-port resource)))
    (port-closed? resource))

write-bytes: contract violation

  expected: output-port?

  given: #<input-port:string>


> (struct posn [x y])
> (try (raise (posn 1 2))
       (catch [exn? e (exn-message e)])
       (catch/match [(posn 1 y) y]))



(catch [pred-expr exn-id handler-expr ...+])

Used in try to specify exception handlers. An exception is tested against each pred-expr; if the test succeeds, the exception is bound to exn-id and handler-expr runs.

If no pred-exprs succeed, testing proceeds to any catch/match clauses.


(catch/match [match-expr handler-expr ...+])

Used in try to specify exception handlers. An exception is matched (in the sense of match) against match-expr; if the match succeeds handler-expr runs.

If no match-exprs succeed, the exception is re-raised.


(finally finally-expr ...+)

Used in try to specify a body of finally-exprs which run when the try-body exits, be it through a return, continuation jump, or exception.


  #lang racket/base
  (provide try catch catch/match finally)
  (require (for-syntax racket/base)
    (define ((only-in-try name) stx)
      (raise-syntax-error name "not allowed except in try" stx)))
  (define-syntax catch (only-in-try 'catch))
  (define-syntax catch/match (only-in-try 'catch/match))
  (define-syntax finally (only-in-try 'finally))
    (define-syntax-class try-body
      #:literals (catch catch/match finally)
      (pattern {~and :expr {~not {~or (catch . _) (catch/match . _) (finally . _)}}}))
    (define-syntax-class catch-clause
      #:attributes ((handlers 1))
      #:literals (catch)
      (pattern (catch [pred:expr name:id body:expr ...+] ...)
               #:with (handlers ...) #'([pred (λ (name) body ...)] ...)))
    ;; this one's for you, notjack
    (define-syntax-class catch-match-clause
      #:attributes (handler)
      #:literals (catch/match)
      (pattern (catch/match [clause:expr body:expr ...+] ...)
               #:with (match-clauses ...) #'([clause body ...] ...)
               #:with handler #'[(λ (_) #t) ;; catch 'em all
                                   match-clauses ...
                                   ;; rethrow as last resort
                                   [e (raise e)])]))
    (define-syntax-class finally-clause
      #:attributes (handler)
      #:literals (finally)
      (pattern (finally body:expr ...+)
               #:with handler #'(λ () body ...))))
  ;; Calls value-thunk, then post-thunk, with post-thunk guaranteed to be run
  ;; even if execution exits value-thunk through an exception or continuation
  ;; value-thunk is prevented from re-entry and continutation shenanigans by a
  ;; continuation-barrier
  ;; thanks to Alex Knauth & SamPh on Discord
  (define (call-with-try-finally value-thunk post-thunk)
      (λ () (dynamic-wind void value-thunk post-thunk))))
  (define-syntax-parser try
    [(_ body:try-body ...+
        {~optional c:catch-clause}
        {~optional m:catch-match-clause}
        {~optional f:finally-clause})
         (λ ()
           (with-handlers ((~? (~@ c.handlers ...))
                           (~? m.handler))
             body ...))
         (~? f.handler void))])

5.22.2 try another try/catch/finally inspired by Gerbil Scheme🔗ℹ

Contributed by AlexKnauth (#10) during the 2021 Syntax Parse Bee.

Adapted from the try-catch-finally package.


(try expr ...+ maybe-catch maybe-finally)

maybe-catch = 
  | (catch pred => (lambda (x) expr ...+))
  | (catch (pred id) expr ...+)
  | (catch id expr ...+)
  | (catch _ expr ...+)
maybe-finally = 
  | (finally expr ...+)
A try/catch/finally macro inspired by Gerbil Scheme’s try macro in :std/sugar.

> (try
    (raise-syntax-error #f "a syntax error")
    (catch (exn:fail:syntax? e)
      (displayln "got a syntax error")))

got a syntax error

> (let/cc up
      (displayln "at before")
      (up (void))
      (displayln "at after")
      (finally (displayln "out"))))

at before


Compare the implementation below to the procedural syntax-case baseline from Gerbil scheme: the try macro and helper functions.

  #lang racket/base
  (provide try catch finally => _)
  (require syntax/parse/define (for-syntax racket/base))
    (define (not-allowed-as-an-expression stx)
      (raise-syntax-error #f "not allowed as an expression" stx))
    (define-syntax-class finally-clause #:literals [finally]
      [pattern (finally e:expr ...+) #:with post-thunk #'(λ () e ...)])
    (define-syntax-class catch-clause #:literals [catch => _]
      [pattern (catch pred:expr => handler:expr)]
      [pattern (catch (pred:expr x:id) b:expr ...+)
        #:with handler #'(λ (x) b ...)]
      [pattern (catch (x:id) b:expr ...+)
        #:with pred #'void
        #:with handler #'(λ (x) b ...)]
      [pattern (catch _ b:expr ...+)
        #:with pred #'void
        #:with handler #'(λ (x) b ...)])
    (define-syntax-class body #:literals [finally catch]
      [pattern {~and :expr {~not {~or (finally . _) (catch . _)}}}]))
  (define-syntax catch not-allowed-as-an-expression)
  (define-syntax finally not-allowed-as-an-expression)
  (define-syntax-parser try
    [(_ b:body ...+ f:finally-clause)
     #'(call-with-try-finally (λ () b ...)]
    [(_ b:body ...+ c:catch-clause ...)
     #'(with-handlers ([c.pred c.handler] ...) b ...)]
    [(_ b:body ...+ c:catch-clause ... f:finally-clause)
        (λ () (with-handlers ([c.pred c.handler] ...) b ...))])
  ;; call-with-try-finally : [-> X] [-> Any] -> X
  ;; Calls value-thunk, then post-thunk, with post-thunk guaranteed to be run
  ;; even if execution exits value-thunk through an exception or continuation
  (define (call-with-try-finally value-thunk post-thunk)
     (λ () (dynamic-wind void value-thunk post-thunk))))

Overall, this Racket version uses half as much macro code and 70% fewer lines of helper code (down from 11 lines to 3). The notes below provide a detailed comparison.









These identifiers may only appear within a try form.

5.22.3 try, try-with, try-with*🔗ℹ

Contributed by eutro (#12) during the 2021 Syntax Parse Bee.

Adapted from the try-catch-match package.


(try body ...+ catch-clause ... maybe-finally-clause)

catch-clause = (catch pat body ...+)
maybe-finally-clause = 
  | (finally body ...+)
Evaluates the body expressions in a context that matches any exceptions against the catch clauses in succession. Evaluates the finally clause when leaving the dynamic extent of the try expression’s body.

The expressiveness of match syntax makes it sufficiently flexible for any case, and grants familiarity to those that are used to it.

> (try
    (cons 1)
    (catch (or (? exn? (app exn-message msg))
               (app ~a msg))
      (car (string-split msg ";")))
    (finally (displayln "finally")))


"cons: arity mismatch"


(try-with ([id val-expr] ...) expr ...+)

The try-with macro (and its cousin try-with*) generalize resource cleanup in an exception-safe way. These macros are influenced by with-open from Clojure and try-with-resources from Java.

Like let, bind ids to vals in body. vals are evaluated with current-custodian set to a new custodian created with make-custodian. When the expression returns, the custodian is shutdown with custodian-shutdown-all in a finally clause.

> (try-with ([port (open-output-string)])
    (displayln "Hello!" port))


(try-with* ([id val-expr] ...) expr ...+)

Like try-with, but the binding of each id is made available in subsequent vals, as in let*. All vals are evaluated with the same custodian.





These identifiers may only appear within a try form.


  #lang racket/base
  (provide try catch finally
           try-with try-with*)
  (require racket/match (for-syntax syntax/parse racket/base))
    (define ((invalid-expr name) stx)
      (raise-syntax-error name "invalid in expression context" stx)))
  (define-syntax catch (invalid-expr 'catch))
  (define-syntax finally (invalid-expr 'finally))
    (define-syntax-class catch-clause
      #:description "catch clause"
      #:literals [catch]
      (pattern (catch binding:expr body:expr ...+)))
    (define-syntax-class finally-clause
      #:description "finally clause"
      #:literals [finally]
      (pattern (finally body:expr ...+)))
    (define-syntax-class body-expr
      #:literals [catch finally]
      (pattern (~and :expr
                     (~not (~or (finally . _)
                                (catch . _)))))))
  (define-syntax (try stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
      [(_ body:body-expr ...+)
       #'(let () body ...)]
      [(_ body:body-expr ...+
          catch:catch-clause ...
          (lambda ()
             (lambda ()
               (try body ... catch ...))
             (lambda ()
               finally.body ...))))]
      [(_ body:body-expr ...+
          catch:catch-clause ...)
             (lambda (e)
               (match e
                 [catch.binding catch.body ...] ...
                 [_ (raise e)]))])
           body ...)]))
  (define-syntax (try-with stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
      [(_ ([name:id val:expr] ...)
          body:body-expr ...+)
       #'(let ([cust (make-custodian)])
            (define-values (name ...)
              (parameterize ([current-custodian cust])
                (values val ...)))
            body ...
            (finally (custodian-shutdown-all cust))))]))
  (define-syntax (try-with* stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
      [(_ ([name:id val:expr] ...)
          body:body-expr ...+)
       #'(let ([cust (make-custodian)])
            (define-values (name ...)
              (parameterize ([current-custodian cust])
                (define name val) ...
                (values name ...)))
            body ...
            (finally (custodian-shutdown-all cust))))]))

5.23 Generate Contracts for Keyword Functions🔗ℹ

Contributed by dstorrs (#19) during the 2021 Syntax Parse Bee.

Adapted from the struct-plus-plus module, which contains many other interesting macros (#18).

 (require syntax-parse-example/kw-ctc/kw-ctc)
  package: syntax-parse-example


(kw-ctc (dom-spec ...) cod-spec)

dom-spec = [id]
  | [id ctc-expr]
  | [(id default)]
  | [(id default) ctc-expr]
cod-spec = ctc-expr
Shorthand to write contracts for functions that expect only keyword arguments.

> (struct pumpkin [name weight color])
> (define/contract (make-pumpkin #:name name #:weight weight #:color [color "Dark Orange"])
    (kw-ctc ([name] [weight natural?] [(color _) string?]) pumpkin?)
    (pumpkin name weight color))
> (make-pumpkin #:name 'roger #:weight 140)


> (make-pumpkin #:name #false #:weight 117 #:color "Indigo")


> (make-pumpkin #:weight 999)

application: required keyword argument not supplied

  procedure: make-pumpkin

  required keyword: #:name


   #:weight 999


  #lang racket/base
  (provide kw-ctc)
  (require racket/contract (for-syntax racket/base racket/list syntax/parse syntax/parse/experimental/template))
    (define (id->keyword stx)
      (string->keyword (symbol->string (syntax-e stx))))
    (define-syntax-class field
      (pattern [id:id (~optional cont:expr)]
               #:with required? #'#t
               #:with field-contract (template (?? cont any/c))
               #:with kw #`#,(id->keyword #'id))
      (pattern [(id:id _:expr) (~optional cont:expr)]
               #:with required? #'#f
               #:with field-contract (template (?? cont any/c))
               #:with kw #`#,(id->keyword #'id)))
    (define field->required?
      (syntax-parser [f:field (syntax-e #'f.required?)]))
    (define field->kw
      (syntax-parser [f:field (syntax/loc this-syntax]))
    (define field->ctc
      (syntax-parser [f:field (syntax/loc this-syntax f.field-contract)]))
    (define (field*->contract-spec field*)
      (apply append (map (lambda (f) (list (field->kw f) (field->ctc f))) field*)))
  (define-syntax (kw-ctc stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
     [(_ (?dom*:field ...) cod)
      (define-values [mandatory* optional*]
        (partition field->required? (syntax-e #'(?dom* ...))))
      (with-syntax ([mandatory-ctc-spec #`#,(field*->contract-spec mandatory*)]
                    [optional-ctc-spec #`#,(field*->contract-spec optional*)])
        (syntax/loc stx
          (->* mandatory-ctc-spec optional-ctc-spec cod)))]))

5.24 pyret-for🔗ℹ

Contributed by sorawee (#11) during the 2021 Syntax Parse Bee.

 (require syntax-parse-example/pyret-for/pyret-for)
  package: syntax-parse-example


(pyret-for fn-expr ([pattern arg] ...) expr ...+)

Many common higher-order functions consume a function value as the first argument, and n more arguments after that, where the function value accepts n arguments, which corresponds to the arguments in the call in some way. Examples include: map, filter (only one argument), andmap, ormap. (foldl and foldr have arguments in a wrong order, so they don’t quite work.)

Example without pyret-for:
> (define things     '(("pen") ("pineapple") ("apple") ("pen")))
> (define quantities '(1       2             3         5))
> (andmap (λ (thing quantity)
            (or (string-contains? (first thing) "apple")
                (odd? quantity)))


The problem is that:

Example with pyret-for:
> (define things     '(("pen") ("pineapple") ("apple") ("pen")))
> (define quantities '(1       2             3         5))
> (pyret-for andmap ([thing things] [quantity quantities])
    (or (string-contains? (first thing) "apple")
        (odd? quantity)))


The pyret-for syntax, based on Pyret’s for, can be used to invoke this kind of higher-order function.

pyret-for additionally improves upon Pyret’s for by allowing arbitrary match pattern.

Example with pyret-for and match:
> (define things     '(("pen") ("pineapple") ("apple") ("pen")))
> (define quantities '(1       2             3         5))
> (pyret-for andmap ([(list thing) things] [quantity quantities])
    (or (string-contains? thing "apple")
        (odd? quantity)))



  #lang racket/base
  (provide pyret-for)
  (require racket/match syntax/parse/define (for-syntax racket/base))
    (pyret-for f:expr ([pat:expr arg:expr] ...) body:expr ...+)
    #:with (x ...) (generate-temporaries (attribute arg)) 
    (f (λ (x ...)
         (match-define pat x) ...
         body ...)
       arg ...))

5.25 Hierarchical parsing of command-line arguments🔗ℹ

Contributed by Metaxal (#16) during the 2021 Syntax Parse Bee.

Adapted from a PR to resyntax

 (require syntax-parse-example/hierarchical-cmdline/hierarchical-cmdline)
  package: syntax-parse-example


(shift-command-line-arguments body ...)


(parameterize-help-if-empty-ccla body ...)

The purpose of the first macro is to make it easy to parse command line arguments in a hierarchical way using the built-in command-line form. The second macro is an additional helper that displays the help message automatically when no command-line argument is specified at this level, which avoids the case where the user tries one argument is then has no information about what to do next.

> (define prog "my-prog")
> (define (parse-relative)
      #:program (string-append prog " --relative")
      [("--left") => (shift-command-line-arguments
                      (displayln "You're going left!")
                  '("Go to the left")]
      [("--right") => (shift-command-line-arguments
                      (displayln "You're going right!")
                  '("Go to the right")])))
> (define (parse-absolute)
      #:program (string-append prog " --absolute")
      [("--north") => (shift-command-line-arguments
                       (displayln "You're going north!")
                   '("Go to the north")]
      [("--south") => (shift-command-line-arguments
                       (displayln "You're going south!")
                   '("Go to the south")])))
> (define (parse-move)
      #:program (string-append prog " --move")
      [("--relative") => (shift-command-line-arguments (parse-relative))
                      '("Specify a relative direction")]
      [("--absolute") => (shift-command-line-arguments (parse-absolute))
                      '("Specify an absolute direction")])))
> (define (parse-main)
     #:program prog
     [("--move") => (shift-command-line-arguments (parse-move))
                 '("Specify directions")]
     [("--jump") => (shift-command-line-arguments
                     (displayln "You're jumping!")
; $ racket syntax-bee.rkt --move --relative --left --jump --jump --move --absolute --south --jump
> (parameterize ([current-command-line-arguments (vector "--move" "--relative" "--left" "--jump" "--jump" "--move" "--absolute" "--south" "--jump")])

You're going left!

You're jumping!

You're jumping!

You're going south!

You're jumping!


  #lang racket/base
  (provide shift-command-line-arguments parameterize-help-if-empty-ccla)
  (require syntax/parse/define racket/vector)
  ;; Remove the first argument of the command line arguments
  (define-syntax-parse-rule (shift-command-line-arguments body ...)
    (λ args
      (parameterize ([current-command-line-arguments (vector-copy (current-command-line-arguments) 1)])
        body ...)))
  ;; If the command line arguments are empty, re-parameterize it to
  ;; default to #("--help")
  (define-syntax-parse-rule (parameterize-help-if-empty-ccla body ...)
    (let ([ccla (current-command-line-arguments)])
      (parameterize ([current-command-line-arguments
                      (if (vector-empty? ccla)
        body ...)))

5.26 flaggable-app🔗ℹ

Contributed by sorawee (#14) during the 2021 Syntax Parse Bee.

 (require syntax-parse-example/flaggable-app/flaggable-app)
  package: syntax-parse-example


(#%app fn expr ...+)

Many functions accept optional boolean keyword arguments. These arguments are known as flags. As a simple example, the following function accepts two flags #:left and #:right:

> (define (trim s #:left? [left? #f] #:right? [right? #f])
    (string-trim s #:left? left? #:right? right?))

The function may be invoked with any number of flags, but if a flag keyword appears then it needs an argument as well:

> (trim " 1 2 3 " #:left? #t)

"1 2 3 "

> (trim " 1 2 3 " #:left?)

eval:3:0: application: missing argument expression after


  at: #:left?

  in: (#%app trim " 1 2 3 " #:left?)

Flaggable #%app allows users to instead write:

> (trim " 1 2 3 " #:left?)

"1 2 3 "

> (trim " 1 2 3 " #:left? #:right?)

"1 2 3"

That is, a keyword that doesn’t come with an argument will default the value to #t. Arguments are still supported.

This does come at a cost: all keyword arguments must be specified after positional arguments to avoid ambiguity. Without this restriction, it is hard to tell whether:

(f #:a 1)

is meant to be itself or:

(f 1 #:a #t)

Note: inspired by

  #lang racket/base
  (provide #%app)
  (require syntax/parse/define
           (only-in racket [#%app racket:#%app])
           (for-syntax racket/base))
    (define-splicing-syntax-class arg/keyword
      #:attributes (k v)
      ;; first case: something like #:a 1
      (pattern {~seq k:keyword v:expr})
      ;; second case: something like #:a.
      (pattern {~seq k:keyword}
               #:with v #'#t)))
    (#%app f arg/no-keyword:expr ... arg/keyword:arg/keyword ...)
    (racket:#%app f arg/no-keyword ... {~@ arg/keyword.k arg/keyword.v} ...))

5.27 JavaScript-Inspired Dictionary Syntax🔗ℹ

Contributed by sorawee (#17) during the 2021 Syntax Parse Bee.

JavaScript (JS) has really elegant syntax to manipulate dictionaries.

JS Dictionary Creation

Given x = 42 the following syntax makes a dictionary with four entries:

{a: 1 + 2, b: 3, ['a' + 'b']: 4, x}

JS Dictionary Merging

Other dictionaries can be merged as a part of dictionary creation.


let a = {a: 1, c: 2};

let b = {b: 2, c: 3};

Then the following dictionary has four entries:

{b: 42, ...a, ...b, a: 4, d: 5}

Note that the merging syntax can be used to set a value functionally without mutating the dictionary.

JS Dictionary Extraction


let x = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4};

Then the following syntax:

`let {a, b: bp} = x;`

binds a to 1 and bp to 2.

JS Dictionary Extraction of the rest

As a part of extraction, there can be at most one ..., which will function as the extraction of the rest

For example:

let {a, b: bp, ...y} = x;

binds a to 1, bp to 2, y to {c: 3, d: 4}.

 (require syntax-parse-example/js-dict/js-dict)
  package: syntax-parse-example

The js-dict and js-extract macros bring these operations to Racket, using immutable hash tables as the data structure. Additionally, the js-extract macro improves upon JS by supporting arbitrary match pattern.


(js-dict construct-spec ...)

ccnstruct-spec = [key expr]
  | #:merge expr
  | id
key = #:expr expr
  | id

> (define d 4)
> (define base-1 (js-dict [x '((10))] [b 20]))
> (define base-2 (js-dict [y 30] [a 40]))
> (define obj
     [a 1]
     #:merge base-1
     [b 2]
     #:merge base-2
     [#:expr (string->symbol "c") 3]
> obj

'#hash((a . 40) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4) (x . ((10))) (y . 30))


(js-extract (extract-spec ... maybe-rest) obj-expr)

extract-spec = [key pattern-expr]
  | id
maybe-rest = 
  | #:rest expr
key = #:expr expr
  | id
With the above obj, in the following code adds five definitions:

> (js-extract ([#:expr (string->symbol "a") f]
               [x (list (list x))]
               #:rest rst)
> f


> c


> d


> x


> rst

'#hash((b . 2) (y . 30))


  #lang racket/base
  (provide js-dict js-extract)
  (require syntax/parse/define
           (for-syntax racket/base
    (define-splicing-syntax-class key
      (pattern {~seq #:expr key:expr}
               #:with static #'())
      (pattern {~seq key*:id}
               #:with key #''key*
               #:with static #'(key*)))
    (define-splicing-syntax-class construct-spec
      (pattern {~seq [key:key val:expr]}
               #:with code #'`[#:set ,key.key ,val]
               #:with (static ...) #'key.static)
      (pattern {~seq #:merge e:expr}
               #:with code #'`[#:merge ,e]
               #:with (static ...) #'())
      (pattern {~seq x:id}
               #:with code #'`[#:set x ,x]
               #:with (static ...) #'(x)))
    (define-syntax-class extract-spec
      (pattern [key*:key pat:expr]
               #:with key #'key*.key
               #:with (static ...) #'key*.static)
      (pattern x:id
               #:with key #''x
               #:with pat #'x
               #:with (static ...) #'(x))))
  (define (make-dict . xs)
    (for/fold ([h (hash)]) ([x (in-list xs)])
      (match x
        [`[#:set ,key ,val] (hash-set h key val)]
        [`[#:merge ,d] (hash-union h d #:combine (λ (a b) b))])))
  (define-syntax-parse-rule (js-dict spec:construct-spec ...)
    (check-duplicate-identifier (append* (attribute spec.static)))
    "duplicate static key"
    (make-dict spec.code ...))
  (define-syntax-parser extract
    [(_ () pat-rst rst-obj) #'(match-define pat-rst rst-obj)]
    [(_ (spec:extract-spec specs ...) pat-rst rst-obj)
     #'(splicing-let ([KEY spec.key]
                      [OBJ rst-obj])
         (match-define spec.pat (hash-ref OBJ KEY))
         (extract (specs ...) pat-rst (hash-remove OBJ KEY)))])
  (define-syntax-parse-rule (js-extract (spec:extract-spec ...
                                         {~optional {~seq #:rest e:expr}})
    (check-duplicate-identifier (append* (attribute spec.static)))
    "duplicate static key"
    (extract (spec ...) (~? e _) obj))

5.28 Functions with Dynamically-Scoped Parameters🔗ℹ

Contributed by shhyou (#24) during the 2021 Syntax Parse Bee.

 (require syntax-parse-example/define-freevar/define-freevar)
  package: syntax-parse-example


(define/freevar (function-id arg-id ...)
#:freevars (freevar1-id freevar2-id ...)
body1-expr body2-expr ...)
The define/freevar macro introduces function definitions with free variables in their body. The free variables are resolved non-hygienically to any bindings of an equal symbol name at each use site.

One motivating example is the following helper function for Redex models:

> (require racket/pretty redex/reduction-semantics)
> (define/freevar (apply-reduction-relation*--> term)
    #:freevars (-->R)
    (pretty-print term)
    (for/fold ([term-list (list (list #f term))])
              ([step (in-naturals)]
               #:break (null? term-list))
      (define new-terms
        (apply-reduction-relation/tag-with-names -->R (list-ref (car term-list) 1)))
      (pretty-print new-terms)

This second example dynamically looks for a value who to format an error message:

> (define/freevar (raise-who-error message source-stx)
    #:freevars (who)
    (raise-syntax-error who
> (let ([who 'knock-knock])
    (raise-who-error "who's there" #'door))

eval:4:0: knock-knock: who's there

  in: door

Conceptually, the define/freevar form expands into a new definition having the original code and a new macro that generates references for the free variables:

(define (raise-who-error/impl who message source-stx)
  (raise-syntax-error who
(define-syntax (raise-who-error stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
    [(proc-src:id args ...)
     #:with who/use-site (syntax-property
                          (format-id stx "~a" 'who #:source #'proc-src)
                          'original-for-check-syntax #t)
     (syntax/loc stx
       (raise-who-error/impl who/use-site args ...))]))

The new macro raise-who-error creates a reference, who/use-site, to be captured non-hygienically using the context from the use site. The expansion then proceeds with the use-site reference and calls the original code.

Additionally, the use-site references have the source location of the proc-src identifier and the syntax property 'original-for-check-syntax so that Check Syntax and DrRacket can draw the binding arrows.

Caveat: mutation on the free variables will not reflect on the original binding. This restriction can be overcome using make-set!-transformer.


(with-freevar function-id ([freevar-id new-freevar-id] ...)
body-expr1 body-expr2 ...)
Locally renames the free variables for define/freevar definitions.


(define/with-freevar new-function-id old-function-id
[freevar-id new-freevar-id]
Definition form of with-freevar.

While the idea is straightforward, a direct translation generates a large amount of code duplication. In the output of define/freevar, the only varying parts are the names of the free variables and the identifier of the actual implementation. The implementation of define/freevar thus follows the common pattern of using a struct to share the transformer code.

  1. The define/freevar form expands to a new definition storing the original code and a macro for binding the free identifiers.

  2. The implementation introduces a procedure-like struct, open-term, that holds the list of free variables and the identifier of the actual code.

  3. When the macro expander applies an instance of open-term, it extracts names of the free variables and redirects the reference to the actual code.

The idea behind custom pattern expanders and syntax class aliases (see prop:syntax-class) are related: using structs to store varying information while attaching struct type properties to assign behavior.

  #lang racket/base
  (provide define/freevar
  (require (for-syntax racket/base
  (define-syntax (define/freevar stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
      [(_ (name:id arg:id ...)
          #:freevars (fv:id ...+)
          (~optional (~and #:immediate immediate-flag))
          body:expr ...+)
       #:attr dup-id (or (check-duplicate-identifier (syntax-e #'(fv ... arg ...)))
                         (cdr (check-duplicates
                               (map cons (syntax->datum #'(fv ...)) (syntax-e #'(fv ...)))
                               #:key car
                               #:default '(#f . #f))))
       #:do [(when (attribute dup-id)
               (raise-syntax-error 'define/freevar
                                   "duplicated argument or free variable name"
                                   (attribute dup-id)))]
       #:with name-with-fvs (format-id #'fresh-stx "~a/fvs" #'name)
       #:with immediate? (if (attribute immediate-flag) #t #f)
           (define name-with-fvs
                 [(attribute immediate-flag)
                  #`(λ (fv ...)
                      (let ([name #,(syntax/loc stx
                                      (λ (arg ...) body ...))])
                  #`(let ([name #,(syntax/loc stx
                                    (λ (fv ... arg ...) body ...))])
           (define-syntax name
             (open-term #'name-with-fvs
                        '(fv ...)
                        '(arg ...)
  (define-syntax (with-freevar stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
      [(_ term-with-fv:id ([fv:id new-fv:id] ...) body:expr ...+)
        (syntax/loc stx
          (let-syntax ([term-with-fv
                        (open-term-set-freevars 'with-freevar
                                                (hash (~@ 'fv 'new-fv) ...))])
            body ...))
        'disappeared-use (list (syntax-local-introduce #'term-with-fv)))]))
  (define-syntax (define/with-freevar stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
      [(_ new-name:id original-term-with-fv:id [fv:id new-fv:id] ...)
        (syntax/loc stx
          (define-syntax new-name
            (open-term-set-freevars 'with-freevar
                                    (hash (~@ 'fv 'new-fv) ...))))
        'disappeared-use (list (syntax-local-introduce #'original-term-with-fv)))]))
    (struct open-term (proc-stx freevars-name args-name immediate?)
      #:property prop:procedure (λ (self stx) (link-freevars self stx)))
    (define (freevars-in-context fvs #:context ctxt #:source src)
      (for/list ([fv (in-list fvs)])
         (format-id ctxt "~a" fv #:source src)
         'original-for-check-syntax #t)))
    (define (link-freevars self stx)
      (define/syntax-parse target (open-term-proc-stx self))
      (syntax-parse stx
         #:with (fv ...) (freevars-in-context (open-term-freevars-name self)
                                              #:context stx
                                              #:source #'proc-src)
         #:with (arg ...) (generate-temporaries (open-term-args-name self))
           [(open-term-immediate? self)
            (fix-app stx
                     (syntax/loc stx
                       (target fv ...)))]
            (quasisyntax/loc stx
              (λ (arg ...)
                #,(fix-app stx
                           (syntax/loc stx
                             (target fv ... arg ...)))))])]
        [(proc-src:id . args)
         #:with (fv ...) (freevars-in-context (open-term-freevars-name self)
                                              #:context stx
                                              #:source #'proc-src)
           [(open-term-immediate? self)
            (fix-app stx
                     (quasisyntax/loc stx
                       (#,(fix-app stx
                                   (syntax/loc stx
                                     (target fv ...)))
                        . args)))]
            (fix-app stx
                     (syntax/loc stx
                       (target fv ... . args)))])]))
    (define (fix-app ctxt app-stx)
      (define app-datum (syntax-e app-stx))
      (datum->syntax ctxt app-datum app-stx app-stx))
    (define (open-term-set-freevars who open-term-id map)
      (define (fail)
        (raise-syntax-error who
                            "the binding is not defined by define/freevar"
      (define self
        (syntax-local-value open-term-id fail))
      (unless (open-term? self)
      (define original-fvs (open-term-freevars-name self))
      (define new-fvs
        (for/list ([fv (in-list original-fvs)])
          (hash-ref map fv (λ () fv))))
      (open-term (open-term-proc-stx self)
                 (open-term-args-name self)
                 (open-term-immediate? self))))

5.29 Function Parameter Syntax Class🔗ℹ

Contributed by shhyou (#23) during the 2021 Syntax Parse Bee.

 (require syntax-parse-example/fnarg/fnarg)
  package: syntax-parse-example

Syntax classes offer a powerful mechanism for abstracting over classes of conceptually related patterns. Moreover, syntax classes can be parameterized, with expr/c being one prominent example.

In this example, we define a syntax class that roughly captures the grammar of formal parameters in function headers. It parses the name of the formal parameter, the default expressions of optional arguments and the keywords of keyworded arguments.



The fnarg syntax class matches the basic argument patterns that can appear in function headers: mandatory, optional, and keyword arguments. The class optionally accepts two parameters to toggle whether optional and/or keyword arguments are allowed.

Refer to the source file fnarg-test.rkt for an example use.

  #lang racket/base
  (provide fnarg)
  (require racket/syntax syntax/parse)
  ;; Use _splicing_ to parse a sequence of elements for keyword args.
  (define-splicing-syntax-class (fnarg [allow-optional? #t]
                                       #:keyword? [allow-keyword? #t])
    #:attributes (name fresh-var keyword default)
    (pattern name:id
             #:attr keyword #f
             #:attr default #f
             #:with fresh-var (generate-temporary #'name))
    (pattern [name:id default:expr]
             #:fail-unless allow-optional? "optional argument is not allowed"
             #:attr keyword #f
             #:with fresh-var (generate-temporary #'name))
    ;; The ~seq pattern describes a _sequence_ of elements
    (pattern (~seq keyword:keyword name:id)
             #:fail-unless allow-keyword? "keyword argument is not allowed"
             #:attr default #f
             #:with fresh-var (generate-temporary #'name))
    (pattern (~seq keyword:keyword [name:id default:expr])
             #:fail-unless allow-optional? "optional argument is not allowed"
             #:fail-unless allow-keyword? "keyword argument is not allowed"
             #:with fresh-var (generate-temporary #'name)))

5.30 Generate Temporaries On The Fly: fresh-variable Syntax Class🔗ℹ

Contributed by shhyou (#22) during the 2021 Syntax Parse Bee.

 (require syntax-parse-example/fresh-variable/fresh-variable)
  package: syntax-parse-example

Some macros need to generate a sequence of fresh identifiers corresponding to a list of input forms. The standard solution is to invoke generate-temporaries with a syntax list and bind the result to a new pattern variable. However, the new pattern variable is disconnected from the input forms and such an approach quickly becomes unmanageable when the input forms come nested in more than one ellipses.

The fresh-variable syntax class solves both these issues. First, it tightly couples generated identifiers to the input forms. The new identifiers even have DrRacket binding arrows. Second, it leverages the syntax-parse pattern matcher to handle deeply-nested repetitions.

Syntax class that binds an attribute fresh-var to a fresh temporary variable.

In the example below, we create a macro define/immutable-parameter for defining functions whose parameters cannot be mutated by the function body. The macro parses arguments using the fresh-variable syntax class to generate temporary identifiers on the fly.

> (define-syntax (define/immutable-parameter stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
      [(_ (name:id (~or* (~and :id arg:fresh-variable)
                         [(~and :id arg:fresh-variable) default-value:expr])
          body:expr ...+)
       #'(define (name (~? [arg.fresh-var default-value]
                           arg.fresh-var) ...)
           (define-syntax arg
             (make-variable-like-transformer #'arg.fresh-var #f))
           body ...)]))
> (define/immutable-parameter (fib n [verbose? #f])
    ; (set! n 12345) ;=> syntax error
    (when verbose?
      (printf "(fib ~a)\n" n))
      [(<= n 1) n]
       (+ (fib (- n 1) verbose?)
          (fib (- n 2) verbose?))]))
> (fib 5)


The implementation accepts any expression and generates a temporary identifier.

  #lang racket/base
  (provide fresh-variable)
  (require racket/syntax syntax/parse)
  (define-syntax-class (fresh-variable [context #f])
    #:attributes (fresh-var)
    (pattern name
             #:with temp-var (generate-temporary #'name)
             #:with fresh-var (if context
                                  (format-id context "~a" #'temp-var)

5.31 define/with-datum+🔗ℹ

Contributed by shhyou (#21) during the 2021 Syntax Parse Bee.


(define/with-datum+ pattern datum-expr)

Definition form of with-datum. Matches the value result of datum-expr and binds the pattern variables in pattern.

The following example defines three pattern variables: x gets bound to a string, y (at ellipsis depth 1) gets bound to a list of strings, and z (at ellipsis depth 2) gets bound to a list of lists of strings.

> (define/with-datum+ (x ((y z ...) ...))
    '("X" (("Y1" "Z11" "Z12")
           ("Y2" "Z21"))))
> (datum x)


> (with-datum ([w "W"])
    (datum ((y w) ...)))

'(("Y1" "W") ("Y2" "W"))

> (datum ((^ z ... $) ...))

'((^ "Z11" "Z12" $) (^ "Z21" $))

The implementation is similar to that of define/with-syntax (link) but uses syntax-parse pattern directives to express the procedural code from the original. These pattern directives allow escaping into arbitrary expansion-time computation while retaining appropriate semantical meanings such as binding a pattern variable (#:with) or performing an imperative action (#:do).

  #lang racket/base
  (provide define/with-datum+)
  (require syntax/parse/define
           (for-syntax racket/base
    (define-syntax-class (fresh-temporary fresh-stx)
      #:attributes (fresh-var)
      (pattern name
               #:with fresh-var (format-id fresh-stx "~a" (generate-temporary #'name))))
    (define (count-ellipses-depth var...^n)
      (for/fold ([var...^n var...^n]
                 [depth 0])
                ([current-depth (in-naturals 1)]
                 #:break (not (pair? var...^n)))
        (values (car var...^n) current-depth))))
    Commit SHA: 8e83dc25f7f5767
    Line: 22-59
  (define-syntax-parse-rule (define/with-datum+ pattern rhs)
    #:attr matched-vars (get-match-vars #'define/with-datum+
    #:with (((~var pvar (fresh-temporary #'here)) . depth) ...)
    (for/list ([x (attribute matched-vars)])
      (define-values (var depth)
        (count-ellipses-depth x))
      (cons var depth))
      (define-values (pvar.fresh-var ...)
        (with-datum ([pattern rhs])
          (values (pvar-value pvar) ...)))
      (define-syntax pvar
        (make-s-exp-mapping 'depth (quote-syntax pvar.fresh-var)))
  ;; auxiliary macro
  (define-syntax-parse-rule (pvar-value pvar:id)
    #:attr mapping (syntax-local-value #'pvar)
    #:do [(unless (s-exp-pattern-variable? (attribute mapping))
            (raise-syntax-error #f "not a datum variable" #'pvar))]
    #:with value-var (s-exp-mapping-valvar (attribute mapping))

6 How to contribute a new example🔗ℹ

To create an example named EUGENE:
  • Clone this repository (link).

  • Run raco syntax-parse-example --new EUGENE in the top-level folder of the cloned repository. This generates three new files:
    • EUGENE/EUGENE.rkt (source code)

    • EUGENE/EUGENE-test.rkt (tests)

    • EUGENE/EUGENE-doc.scrbl (Scribble documentation)

  • Fill the holes in the newly-generated files with an implementation, some unit tests, and documentation.

  • Run raco setup syntax-parse-example to generate the documentation.

7 Example-Formatting Tools🔗ℹ

The syntax-parse-example language is a small language for documenting example macros. It:
  • uses the reader from scribble/base; and

  • provides a few utility functions, documented below.

Helpers for rendering documentation.


(tech/guide pre-content ...)  element?

  pre-content : pre-content?
Similar to tech, but links to The Racket Guide.


(tech/reference pre-content ...)  element?

  pre-content : pre-content?
Similar to tech, but links to The Racket Reference.


(racketfile filename)  element?

  filename : path-string?
Typesets the contents of the given file as if its contents were wrapped in a racketblock.